Ingredientes 4p.
- 1/2 kg. Tallarines, tagliatelle o cintas
- 1/4 kg. de espinacas
- 100 gr. de albahaca
- 1 cebolla cortada en cuadritos
- 2 dientes de ajo, molidos o machacados
- 150 gr. de queso fresco (feta o burgos salado)
- 1 puñado de nueces, pecanas o piñones
- 1 chorro de leche evaporada
- aceite de oliva, sal, pimienta
- queso rallado para decorar
Poner a cocer los fideos en agua salada y con un chorrito de aceite de oliva para que no se peguen.
Mientras tanto hacer el majado, se remojan las hojas de espinaca en agua hirviendo un par de minutos, escurrir y reservar.
Aparte freir la cebolla y los ajos, cuando estan dorados añadir la espinaca escurrida y la albahaca, sazonar y rehogar ligeramente. Poner este aderezo en un vaso de licuar junto con el queso fresco desmenuzado, los frutos secos, y la leche (lo justo para que se pueda licuar) batir todo y verter esta crema sobre los fideos una vez colados.
Servir con queso rallado por encima o acompañar con un huevo frito... o dos!
The peruvian version of 'pesto genovese' replaces partially the basilic for spinach, the raw garlic for a mix of fried spices and the pecorino for white soft cheese, this mix make a less strong but creamy sauce that surely you will love to taste.
Ingredients 4p.
- 1/2 kg. Band noodles or tagliatelle
- 1/4 kg. Spinach leaves
- 100 gr. Basilic leaves
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, smashed
- 150 gr. White salted cheese like Feta
- 1 handful walnuts or pinions
- some evaporated milk
- olive oil, salt, pepper
- some parmesan grated cheese
First we start cooking the noodles in salted water with some olive oil, just not to get sticky noodles.
While the noodles cook let's start the sauce, put the spinach leaves in boiling water for 2 minutes so they are slightly smoothed, drain and reserve.
Then fry the onions and garlic in olive oil, when they get golden add the spinach and basil leaves, saison and let it cook slightly, then put this in a mixer together with the cheese, walnuts and milk (just a shot to make the mixing feasible), blend well and bring the sauce over the noodles (after cooked and drained)
Serve with grated parmesan or accompanied by one fried egg... or two!!
Serve with grated parmesan or accompanied by one fried egg... or two!!
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